We’re all five seconds away from a decision that could change our lives.
I read a book called “The Five Second Rule”, and it talks about the reality that we are all just five seconds away from a decision that could drastically change our lives, sometimes forever.
Maybe it’s something like swerving left instead of right. You don’t even realize you need to make a choice until you’re confronted with reality. But the choice you make changes everything.
Or making the decision to finally jump out of an airplane and go skydiving for the first time. It’s a life-changing experience that starts with a less than five-second decision to actually jump.
Maybe it’s the split-second decision to eat that fifth taco that totally changed your night. 🙂
5 – 4 – 3- 2- 1.
In ministry, the stakes are extremely high for these five-second decisions.
A wrong five-second decision can cost you your job, your family, and your future.
Many times we don’t think about it. But each day, we make tiny and huge decisions that decide our future ministry direction.
At any moment, you could be five seconds away from changing where and how you serve in the future. In fact, the decisions we make today will, in large part, determine where and how we serve in the next year, five years, and well into retirement.
We rely on feelings, leanings, promptings, and circumstances to determine where God would have us serve. We try really hard to rely on God’s spirit to show us where we should be… but honestly, we are usually always thinking short-term.
“Where do you want me NOW, God?” “Where will I be in six months?” “I feel like there is something new around the corner… I’d better start looking.”
The truth is… searches done in the moment can go great. But they can also become a desperate search for ‘what’s next’ when the ‘what’s now’ isn’t so bright.
Your goal is probably the same as everyone else in ministry: to be effective in the place that God has for you. For some of you, it’s right where you’re at right now (and will be for some time to come). For others, you feel the winds of change blowing in.
But what if a five-second decision you make right now could set you up to be effective in two years, five years, or a decade?
What if something you did today set you on course for God to work in your future in a truly spectacular way?
Actually, it can.
I’m constantly working with churches that are looking for just the right person to fill a ministry gap in their local church. It could be that you would be the right person. Not right now. Not even in six months. But maybe in two or five years.
It could be that God is preparing the way for your future ministry right now. Somewhere. And he’s preparing you for that role where you’re at right now.
That’s how God works many times. It’s way cool!
And that journey might actually start today. Right now, actually.
I’m a connector… and there is nothing that excites me more than to help churches and individuals connect the dots.
For you, it all starts with filling out your church staff profile. We don’t ask for your completed resume. Chances are, you don’t even have an updated resume. In fact, we realize that you might not even be looking to change ministry jobs anytime in the near future. But the fact that you tell us a little about yourself…your theology, your ministry philosophy, your personality, and your passion and skills, could help us match you with a great, healthy, long-term place for you to serve at sometime in the future.
Filling out your initial profile takes less than ten minutes. And of course, there is no cost.
But it all starts with a five-second decision to be open to how God might use you well into the future (even if you’re content right where you are).
Go here to submit your profile.
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1.